Photography Fundamentals

Basic Skin Tone Correction in Photoshop

12 Minutes 4k Video Tutorial
Skill Level
In this tutorial, we delve deep into the fundamentals of skin tone selection. You will learn how to accurately identify and work with the two primary skin colors. With step-by-step…

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6 reviews for Basic Skin Tone Correction in Photoshop

  1. Carlos Azevedo

    Excellent summary 👌

  2. gmitchel850

    A very nice summary. I have watched you employ this technique in many of your tutorials. I’ve not seen any tutorials elsewhere demonstrating the technique.

    I’m curious if you have tried Capture One’s tool for smoothing skin color and tone? The primary reason I purchased and continue to subscribe is for that capability.

  3. Dominic Mc Evoy

    Great lesson Dan , thanks

  4. Chad Kotter

    Thank you! I’ve been taking extensive notes throughout your tutorials, and appreciate you focusing in on these techniques for clarity, and moving at a slower pace so we can understand what’s going on! Would love similar videos addressing your other processes using frequency separation, such as textures and tone corrections!

  5. Wendy Stumbaugh

    Just watched Daniel’s skin tone correction tutorial. How interesting! I cannot wait to incorporate this into my editing workflow!

  6. lonejphotography

    This has taken my editing to the next level! Can’t thank you enough. How do we get the actions that you are using?

    • Daniel Venter

      Thank you so much for your support! The actions can be downloaded from any of the tutorials under the video where it says “download lesson files”

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About Daniel

Hey there! I’m Daniel, a passionate portrait photographer and educator who’s determined to uplift and motivate fellow photographers worldwide. My goal is simple: to empower you to become the best photographer you can be!

Ever since I began my professional photography journey back in 2013, I’ve poured countless hours into honing my craft, pushing boundaries, and falling head over heels for the art of capturing Portraits. So if there’s anyone who knows what it’s like to grow 2 full-time photography businesses, you’re looking at him!

As a full-time photographer, I’ve had the pleasure of working with a diverse range of people from couples tying the knot to growing families, expectant mothers, adorable newborns, and everything in between. And now, I’m thrilled to share my hard-earned knowledge with you through my carefully crafted online photography classes that promise to transform your skills and techniques.

I’ll teach you everything you need to know about portrait photography and post-production skills in a way that’s easy to understand and put into practice. My aim is to help you see the world through a professional photographer’s eyes, so you too can create award-winning shots that capture the essence of any moment.

So, whether you’re a seasoned photographer or just starting, join me on this exciting journey to explore the beauty of portrait photography together!