2020 WorkshopsPhotography Workshops

Sisters Winter Shoot 2020

65 Minutes
Skill Level

Join me in the winter shoot with these awesome sisters and create magic on a dull brown winter day!

Min. Req: Photoshop CC 2015 + Lightroom CC 2015

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6 reviews for Sisters Winter Shoot 2020

  1. Denisa Hasaj

    So many details you see and you work with … inspired me to prepare better before shooting, to scan my pictures more carefully, to make some extra work to get that perfect image.. thank you!

  2. Elly Staes

    I learend so much from this and the other tutorials ! Thank you

  3. Melissa Gomersall

    Amazing, iv already seen a few tutorials similar to yours but they don’t give nowhere near as much information and just seem to go so fast, iv signed up for full membership today im excited to see my growth 🙂

    • Daniel Venter

      That’s so awesome to hear and welcome on board!! We try to put in as much value in tutorials as we can!

  4. Racheal Halupa

    I have to say I have really learned a lot. I love that a raw file is included so we can follow along and edit what you are editing. I have a lot to still master but I really love the way you have taught patch tool ( something I never used before) and the way you use frequency separation vs how others used and taught it. I am mind blown by how you handle red skin. Fabulous tutorials. Best investment in myself so far.

  5. Matthew Alexander

    Learned so much! This is the second time I’ve gone through this class. Used my own photo and worked right s as long with you. I post all my photos after using your tutorials and everyone thinks I’m a pro! Awesome! Thank you!

  6. Priyanka Sharma

    What an amazing tutorial which covers so many steps in detail! Loved the way you show sunlight direction, all your camera settings, how to achieve sharp images in lens itself and adding more sharpness in post processing. Loved the use of actions included in the edit, frequency separation, dodge and burn and so on. Thanks much for such a wonderful tutorial.

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About Daniel

Hey there! I’m Daniel, a passionate portrait photographer and educator who’s determined to uplift and motivate fellow photographers worldwide. My goal is simple: to empower you to become the best photographer you can be!

Ever since I began my professional photography journey back in 2013, I’ve poured countless hours into honing my craft, pushing boundaries, and falling head over heels for the art of capturing Portraits. So if there’s anyone who knows what it’s like to grow 2 full-time photography businesses, you’re looking at him!

As a full-time photographer, I’ve had the pleasure of working with a diverse range of people from couples tying the knot to growing families, expectant mothers, adorable newborns, and everything in between. And now, I’m thrilled to share my hard-earned knowledge with you through my carefully crafted online photography classes that promise to transform your skills and techniques.

I’ll teach you everything you need to know about portrait photography and post-production skills in a way that’s easy to understand and put into practice. My aim is to help you see the world through a professional photographer’s eyes, so you too can create award-winning shots that capture the essence of any moment.

So, whether you’re a seasoned photographer or just starting, join me on this exciting journey to explore the beauty of portrait photography together!