What? AI Skin Retouching in minutes? I wanted to share an amazing discovery I made recently that will truly help speed up skin retouching for everyone that shoots portraits! You will know that my go-to process for retouching skin is usually Frequency separation when I have subjects that have a lot of blemishes and skin imperfections. It’s largely a manual process that can be time-consuming if someone’s skin has lots of imperfections.
After creating my Frequency Separation Fundamentals tutorial, in which I edited a young boy’s acne, it got me thinking that there had to be a way to automate skin retouching and that’s exactly what Retouch4me AI Skin Retouching does!

While there are plenty of Skin editing solutions on the market, most of them have less than desirable results and often smooth out tonalities in skin overlooking skin issues like acne and spots. It’s also one of the reasons why most turn out looking a “fake” when applied!
We’re beginning to shift towards AI technology in many fields and in photography we’re seeing many AI advances in cameras and software to help us better capture and edit our work! I didn’t expect to see AI Skin Retouching develop so fast but thanks to the team at Retouch4me the ability to retouch skin in seconds is now a reality!
Check out this video where I demonstrate the Retouch4me plugins and what it could mean for your skin retouching requirements going forward! It will BLOW your mind! Get started with AI Skin Retouching in minutes!
If you’re interested in their plugins be sure to head on over to https://retouch4.me/
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